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History of the Hotel

Although a new story begins this year, the beginnings of Terme Lendava date back to the middle of the last century, when the original story began quite by accident. In the neighboring village of Petišovci, workers from the Nafta Lendava company were drilling a new well when hot water gushed out instead of oil.

The locals soon found out that swimming in this water alleviates various problems. The results of the physico-chemical analysis then showed that the water belongs to the fossil oil waters.

October 1965

Workers of Lendava Oil encountered hot thermal water in one of the oil wells in Petišovci near Lendava.

May 1966

Oil workers arrange an 8 x 4-meter pool, which lists 14,000 bathers in the same year.

June 1967

After one year, there was still nothing from the swimming pool in Petišovci, and the bathers continued to knead in the small pool.

March 1968

At the beginning of the year, a swimming pool was finally built in Petišovci, in the immediate vicinity of the well.

July 1968

Opening of the first real thermal water pool in Petišovci.

August 1968

As can be seen from the pictures, swimmers of all generations of the pool were very happy.

October 1969

Work began on further development investments.

May 1970

Opening of a new swimming pool in Terme Petišovci.

July 1971

The swimming pool became very popular far and wide.

December 1974

During these years, up to 80,000 bathers were enumerated annually.

December 1979

FINALLY! The construction of the first modern hotel in Lendava has begun.

July 1980

Construction of the hotel progressed rapidly. Many local companies also contributed to the construction of the hotel.

December 1980

Opening of the first phase of the Lipa Hotel (A tract with 51 rooms and a restaurant with 220 seats).

November 1982

An indoor thermal pool at the 9 × 16 m hotel was opened before the end of the year.

1981 - 1984

In 1981, thermal water from Petišov wells was declared a natural remedy. Based on this, Hotel Lipa gained the status of a natural health resort in 1984 and became one of the smallest natural health resorts in Slovenia.

June 18, 1988

Opening of the Sports and Recreation Center with an Olympic-size swimming pool next to the Lipa Hotel. For decades, the people of Lendava have dreamed and planned to build their summer swimming pool.

May 1992

An important turning point in development, when the C tract extension was built next to the hotel (36 hotel rooms with 68 beds, 2000 m2 of spa therapy and a 220 m2 outdoor swimming pool with thermal water).

February 1999

Construction of an extension to the hotel restaurant.

April 2000

Adaptation and reconstruction of the indoor thermal pool.

May 2003

Arrangement of a camp with 80 plots on a summer swimming pool, construction of an outdoor thermal pool with 140 m2 of water surface and two water slides.

July 2004

Construction of 84 tourist apartments and a 600 m2 extension of the indoor swimming pool to the hotel, of which more than 200 m2 is water surface.